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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Close Encounter of the Balloon Kind

It was a beautiful morning in the Chihuahuan Desert today, as we now head for a high of 80 F.  The balloon pictured here came out of the valley and made steady progress toward Tortugas Mountain, where we were hiking.  Becca didn't see it for the longest time, but when she did it spooked her a bit.  Although it got really close to us, it was really the sound of the gas burner that upset her. She headed quickly up the trail with tail planted firmly between her legs.  I feel pretty certain that the pilot of that balloon was looking down at us.


Anonymous said...

Are those peanuts on the balloon? Nice splash of color against that blue sky.

The last pic looks perfect for horseback riding.:)

Dr. K said...

The balloon is beautiful, even though it did spook Becca.

Scott said...

Nice colors against a blue sky!

packrat said...

Thanks, Ruby, Dr. K and Scott. And, yes, Ruby, those are peanuts on the balloon. It's the Planters Peanuts' logo.


Saturday with Wils

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