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Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Heat is On

In a Yucca's shadow, my elbow (upper left) and Becca's ear (lower right)
The only thing that kept this morning from being overly hot was a cool breeze.  The desert Mesquite Tree pictured here has most of its mass underground in the root system.  The Mexican people in some areas of the country still dig for firewood.  The Turkey Vultures (buzzards) you see had their eyes on us for a while.  Fortunately we were well-watered and still strong--no crawling across the desert floor begging for water or a Big Mac with fries.  That last bit is Becca's dream.
Necessary shade break

Pausing on the trail

All of this belongs to one desert Mesquite Tree

Computer-enhanced Turkey Vulture

Expert soarers

They only flap their wings occasionally

Looking for carrion

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Did Becca catch any flies? I'm glad there was a breeze this morning.

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