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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Back at the Ranch

On the Crosscut Trail
Becca and I got our morning hike in early then returned to the ranch to do a little landscape work; well, I did the work and she just lay watching.  I took some photos afterward of the flora and fauna on our little patch of Chihuahuan Desert.  It's so nice to have the irrigation water from the bleed-off line out of the evaporative cooler to quench the thirst of parched desert plants.
Ocotillo at the ranch leafing out

Flower of "Blind" Prickly Pear Cactus and occupant

Blind Prickly Pear and blossom

Flowers of the Desert Willow (Chilopsis linearis)

Cane Cholla

A mass of Cholla

Red Yucca

Ole Curved-Bill Thrasher at the watering hole

Barrel Cactus

Mesquite Tree on the front 40

Desert Willow tree


Scott said...

Why is the Red Yucca caged, Packrat?

When Kali and I visited Las Cruces, we stayed at a nice B&B in a subdivision north of town. They had huge gardens surrounding the house, many of which included roses and other non-desert plants. The B&B was nice, but the gardens were so water intensive; I prefer your choices--by far! I hope we get to visit some time after we become Westerners.

Caroline said...

Beautiful golden barrell! 😉

packrat said...


The Red Yucca is caged, I'm almost embarrassed to say, because in the past some voracious packrats have snacked on it. When we first moved to El Paso we completely Xeriscaped our property; sad to note that the people who bought our house took out the desert landscape and replaced it all with lava rock. It would be great for you and Kali to visit when you make the move West--or even before for that matter. Love to have you.

packrat said...

"Beautiful golden barrel," indeed, Caroline. I wonder who gave it to us as a gift.


Dr. K said...

It's nice that the desert willow is blooming.

Not a Frigid Friday

Break #1 37F when Dr. K, Willow and I started our hike this morning; felt like 31F with a 7 mph wind.  As we started down LDR-A we spotted T...