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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Cool But Humid

Meandering along the foothills trail
I was going to write about how a single shotgun blast this morning got me thinking of the mass murder yesterday at the Washington D.C. Navy Yard, but, like most Americans, I realize that further talk is futile.  Until we find a way to overhaul our dysfunctional federal government nothing will be done to regulate firearms, and these kind of mass killings will go on and on.  Fortunately I was able to appreciate how much Becca was enjoying our hike this morning, and that made me grateful for the chance to experience yet again the meaningful natural world.
This butterfly resembles a yellowing leaf

West of Tortugas

16 is the square root of 256

Clouds over the Organ Mountains

The brink of a barranca

This way out of the foothills

The vast Chihuahuan Desert

Another trail out of the foothills


Dr. K said...

Thank heavens we still have the beauty of nature to appreciate.

Scott said...

I really like the image, "The brink of a barranca" because of the hard contrast between the ocotillos and the background. Now, however, I have to consult my Spanish-English translation dictionary to find out what a barranca is. (Though I studied Spanish all through middle and high school, and one year in college, I don't remember a lot. I took a two-term college refresher when I came back from Costa Rica and realized I was no longer proficient, but it didn't help much; I don't use Spanish frequently.)

packrat said...

I minored in Spanish in college, Scott, and got to use it quite a bit with my amigos puertorriqueños in Ohio. For the past few years I've been studying Italian, trying to become more fluent. Since Spanish and Italian are about 80% the same I keep getting myself confused about which language I'm trying to speak.

Not a Frigid Friday

Break #1 37F when Dr. K, Willow and I started our hike this morning; felt like 31F with a 7 mph wind.  As we started down LDR-A we spotted T...