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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Gnat Attack

The largest Devil's Head I've ever seen (10" or 11")
Within the past few days the gnats have been swarming, creating quite an unpleasant experience for hikers. They're especially pesky when you've worked up a little sweat because, apparently, they like nothing better than a salty quaff of perspiration.  The one that flew into my right ear this morning sounded like a dentist's drill penetrating enamel.  There were also more grasshoppers than I've seen in ages.  When we hiked the Crosscut Trail, through a jungle of Trailing Four-O'Clocks the chapulines (grasshoppers) were flying left and right.
Feeble attempt to show size (I wear an 11)

Deep dip in the trail

Becca's favorite Ocotillo


Near the outer loop road

Desert Marigold

Heading back to Tortugas Mountain


Dr. K said...

That devil's head cactus could cause a hiker a lot of trouble.

Scott said...

Packrat: For years I had a Golden Barrel cactus (about the size of your Devil's Head) that I extracted from a terrarium (remember those?) when it got too large. It was pretty impressive and I was encouraged to show it at the Philadelphia Flower Show (which I never did). Then, I transplanted it into a larger pot and did something wrong because it soon began to rot and it was done-for. I miss having the cactus, but it was so large that it was hard to manage.

I really liked your image of chinchweed, but (gentle criticism alert) it would have been a really special image if you had managed to make all of the stony background dark. You can disagree with me and I won't be offended.

We had an incredible "plague" of grasshoppers here two weeks ago in our meadows, but they seem to have disappeared almost overnight. I could understand how that could happen if we'd had a frost, but we haven't. Our gnat problems tend to peak in June, so we're not bothered by them in September; however, the mosquitoes are still an irritant.

packrat said...


I think what happens when a Barrel Cactus gets too large in a pot is that its shallow root structure doesn't have enough room to expand, and that has a deleterious effect on the entire organism.


Awesome photo of the mountain peaks!

packrat said...

Thank you, Jacqui!

Not a Frigid Friday

Break #1 37F when Dr. K, Willow and I started our hike this morning; felt like 31F with a 7 mph wind.  As we started down LDR-A we spotted T...