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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Avian Friend

Loggerhead Shrike on my car-top carrier
19 degrees Fahrenheit when Becca and I set off this morning; the cold made worse by a biting wind.  Just as I parked the car at the trailhead and started to get out I saw, out of the corner of my eye, a small bird sweep past the window as if it would land on the roof.  Sure enough, when I got out there was a small Loggerhead Shrike sitting there.  He seemed unafraid of me as I took his picture quite a few times.  He even looked at me as if he understood what I was saying when I talked to him.  Don't worry, he didn't talk back.  I'm not that crazy.

The Mask of Zorro

Becca heading out in the bitter cold



Looks cold! I'm not surprised at your avian friend. The parrots here follow you around. Even if you don't feed them they like you to stop and talk, and will shriek if you ignore them

Dr. K said...

That Loggerhead Shrike has some striking markings.

Scott said...

Are you sure that shrike wasn't frozen solid, Packrat? (It was 18 degrees here in the northern Piedmont when I awoke this Wednesday morning.)

Sorry that I haven't been commenting lately; I've been extremely busy at work and at home. I'll catch up with your exploits over the next week or so.

packrat said...

Jacqui, your comment made me laugh out loud. I like the idea that you must talk to the parrots.


packrat said...

Striking indeed, Dr. K. Something about the mask gives the critter a sinister look.

packrat said...

The Shrike did seem a little cold, Scott. Glad to hear you're keeping busy.

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