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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Provision Day at the Ranch

Becca often sees stuff I don't
We have a few more good days before another cold front blows through our area, cooling things down, bringing a chance of rain and strong winds.  This morning, though, I had to take off my anorak midway through our hike because it felt too warm.  We had to shorten our hike so I could get back, take a shower, and go shopping.  Had to run a few other errands afterward, too.  Now, after lunch and a blog post, I have more stuff to do.  All Becca has to do is lie down and take it easy until she gets her afternoon drive.
For sure she smells stuff I won't

She frequently speeds up the trail ahead of me

Interesting clouds above Tortugas Mountain


Centennial High School


Dr. K said...

I like the cloud formations over the Tortugas.

Caroline said...

How does Becca get along with george?

packrat said...

Caroline: Becca completely ignores George.


Behind the Cabin

Early early morning in the Sacramentos Strenuous hike behind the cabin this morning.  We were going to head for even higher ground to do a s...