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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Snow in the Sacramentos

It started snowing early evening yesterday, and it snowed pretty much through the night.  We awoke to a couple of inches of the white stuff this morning, and I discovered--when I took Becca outside--that there's a layer of crusty ice beneath the blanket of snow.  This will preclude a hike today as driving conditions are almost certainly treacherous, and I have to navigate along windy mountain roads to get to a trailhead.  Becca will be disappointed, but she'll probably get to play with her canine buddies later today.


Dr. K said...

This will be a quiet snow day for us.


A beautiful white Xmas. The mountains look stunning under their blanket of snow.

packrat said...

The way it's been snowing, Jacqui, we'll be lucky to get out of here in a few days.


Scott said...

Because of temperatures in the mid-60s over the weekend and gentle rainfall today, every trace of snow has disappeared from our northern Piedmont landscape. There went a white Christmas! (Bah...humbug...)

Rim Trail Trek

Just starting off on Rim Trail 105 this morning We decided to drive to Sunspot and hike the Rim Trail which starts near the Apache Point tur...