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Friday, December 6, 2013

Significant Weather Change

Sun breaking through heavy clouds
The first two images here were taken yesterday when I took Becca for her afternoon drive.  Although it got down to 29 F last night--and was a bit cool this morning--the weather changed for the best.  Becca and I had a long, pleasant hike made even better when we ran into JC and Shaque.  When JC and I speculated about the impaled grasshopper pictured below we both assumed the insect had either flown into the thorn or was propelled there by intense wind.  Later I recalled that certain birds (notably the Loggerhead Shrike) are known for impaling insects.
The Organ Mountains from Dripping Springs Road

Beautiful, sunny morn

Grasshopper impaled on an Ocotillo thorn

A slightly different perspective on the impaled grasshopper


Dr. K said...

That impaled grasshopper is a little creepy.

packrat said...

Indeed, Dr. K, but it's a meal for a hungry avian predator.

Rim Trail Trek

Just starting off on Rim Trail 105 this morning We decided to drive to Sunspot and hike the Rim Trail which starts near the Apache Point tur...