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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Blossoming Desert

Late bloomer
An early-morning April hike in the northern Chihuahuan Desert reveals many of the signs of springtime:  Torrey Yuccas sending up their flower stalks; songbirds reconnoitering their territory for an easy insect breakfast; Ocotillo blossoms sprouting on slender, thorny wands; flowers of the Velvety Nerisyrenia carpeting the desert floor; and Turkey Vultures circling overhead, earnestly praying that you and your companion will stumble and fall while crossing this arid land.
Just becoming flowers

A different late bloomer

Torrey Yucca flowers emerging

The city of Las Cruces, New Mexico and Picacho Peak

Ash-throated Flycatcher

Contrail-laden sky over the Organ Mountains

Scott's Oriole

A large arroyo west of Tortugas (Tortoise) Mountain

A small Mesquite Tree leafing out

Long dirt road across the desert

The Tortoise (left) and the Organ Mountains

Flower of the Ocotillo (Oh-ko-TEA-yo)

A member of the Mustard family:  Velvety Nerisyrenia

Ocotillo (aka "buggy whip") in bloom

Turkey Vulture

Distinctive markings of the Turkey Vulture


Scott said...

Our "mustards," only a few of which are native, are nowhere to be seen, not like your beautiful Velvety Nerisyrenia.

packrat said...

They are beautiful, Scott; they bloom early, and they last through a good bit of the summer.

Jenny-B said...

Haven't stopped by in a while - but your Autho post reminded me that I should. Beautiful pictures, as always. I think I'd like the desert - at least, the parts that you share.

packrat said...

Hey, thanks Jennifer! Glad you stopped by.


Dr. K said...

Despite its name, the turkey vulture is an impressive creature.

Wednesday's Walkabout

Tortugas and the Organs It wasn't as cold as it was yesterday morning, but it felt pretty chilly when Dr. K, Willow and I did the daily ...