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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Lunch Hour Hike

Getting started on the trail alongside the western arroyo
Because of an early appointment I wasn't able to take Becca on a hike until 11:30.  Good thing, too, because it rained quite a bit early on.  There was a big wind west of Tortugas Mountain when we got out there--dressed in short-sleeve shirt and shorts (me)--and it felt very chilly.  The rain-cooled air was just a degree or two shy of being cold.  We saw a few hikers striking for the top of the mountain, but we didn't run into anybody.  I was happy to note that the Prickly Pear Cacti are beginning to sport brilliant yellow flowers.
The cloudy sky over Tortugas Mountain

Mostly blue sky to the west

Inside a Mesquite-lined arroyo

A Hedgehog Cactus whose largest stem was a foot tall

Prickly Pear Cactus starting to blossom

Yellow flower of the Prickly Pear

Rain falling on the western mesa

When fully opened a feast for the bees

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

All of my favorite cacti are starting to bloom.

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