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Monday, November 3, 2014

Cold Rain

No doubt what's going to happen
It had rained late yesterday evening and again through the night and into the early-morning hours; so we weren't surprised when, about a mile into our hike, the sky opened up again and the precipitation poured down.  Within several hundred yards we were soaking wet from cold rain.  Because we were already drenched there was no need to cut our trek short, so we didn't.  
Can we avoid the rain?

Looking to the west

It's headed our way

A very wet dog

Up an arroyo

Heading back on the Crosscut Trail

Getting rained on again

Fruit on a Pencil Cholla

Stingleaf flowers

Not pineapples, but Barrel Cactus fruit

Looking pretty iffy to the southwest

I wanted to see if this Jackrabbit was as wet as Becca

It seemed pretty wet

A different Black-tailed Jackrabbit

White-winged Dove sitting in the rain

White-winged Doves in our backyard


Dr. K said...

Despite being wet, you were still able to get some nice photos, Packrat.

Scott said...

Does Becca smell like "wet dog" when she gets drenched? Do you? :)

You guys are intrepid--I'll give you that!

packrat said...

Scott: Becca does, indeed, smell like "wet dog" when she's drenched. Even Jimmy commented on her lovely aroma yesterday. Me?--I smell like "wet primate."


Not a Frigid Friday

Break #1 37F when Dr. K, Willow and I started our hike this morning; felt like 31F with a 7 mph wind.  As we started down LDR-A we spotted T...