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Monday, February 16, 2015

Long Presidents' Day Hike

On this Presidents' Day Becca and I took a very long hike, and while we were exploring the outback we never once talked about any of our presidents.  However, when we ran into JC later I brought up the subject of an article I read in the New York Times about our illustrious first president, George Washington, who contrary to the story about his inability to tell a lie actually could tell one.  It was the way he managed to keep slaves in his residence in Philadelphia despite the 6-month rule that required them be set free if they lived in the state for six months or more.  The article is here if you're interested:


Dr. K said...

Becca looks majestic in that last photo.

packrat said...

She is majestic, Dr. K.


Ho Ho Hike

Willow relaxing in the left branch arroyo We saw Mrs. Basset and her hounds when we were driving up Tellbrook to the trailhead this morning;...