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Monday, February 23, 2015

Wild Wind

We had a big wind event starting yesterday afternoon and lasting well into the early-morning hours today.  The wind is supposed to calm down a bit for a while, but we're under an alert for really high winds tomorrow.  When Becca and I were trekking around the mountain this morning it was pretty chilly out there, but it would have been far worse with gustier conditions.  Not looking forward to our morning hike tomorrow.


Dr. K said...

Despite the gloomy weather, you and Becca seem to have had a good hike.

packrat said...

You know we did, Dr. K.


Friday's Bushwhack

Cactulabra We got an early start on our hike this morning, Dr. K, Willow and I following our usual route across to the left branch arroyo.  ...