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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Back at It

Rugged desert floor
Becca and I did a semi-long hike in the desert west of Tortugas Mountain this morning, and we saw only a few other outdoor enthusiasts.  It had rained a little bit before we left home, and meteorologists are saying we have a 50% chance of showers or thunderstorms later today; 60% chance tomorrow.  It felt pleasant on our trek even though it was a tad humid.  We need and want the precipitation, but we're hoping the weather gods will be kind to us.
Through the shadow of the Tortoise

Coming up on sunlight

Most photographed dog in North America

West of Tortugas

Very leafy Ocotillo

Eastern section of Las Cruces

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

It's pretty amazing that some of the ocotillos are still green at this time of year.

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