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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Critter Search

We had a full moon last night
Often when we have a full moon we hear Coyotes wailing in the night because we live at the edge of open desert.  Not so last night.  Frequently, too, Coyotes seem to linger around longer in the morning after a full moon.  It was that phenomenon that prompted me to go on an extended trek with Becca far into the outback and off the beaten trails.  Our long search for critters was fruitless even though we came across another foxhole.
Heading into the outback

Inspector of Yuccas

What made this debris pattern?  It's where water puddled recently

Putting more distance between us and the mountains

Gnarly Ocotillo

The way into a deep arroyo in the outback

Soaptree Yucca in foreground

Prickly Pear Cactus

Wide, deep arroyo far west of Tortugas

We found another foxhole, but no foxes

The Tortoise from the west

Where water flows in the desert

Heavy Creosote Bush growth here


What happens to a Barrel Cactus after it dies

Medium-sized Yucca

An idea of how big that Yucca is

Standing next to a very tall Ocotillo

New growth on an Ocotillo

Flank of Tortugas (left) and the Organ Mountains

Heading back

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like the closeup of the new growth on the ocotillo--the twisted shape of the brownish-red branch.

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