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Saturday, October 24, 2015

Saturday's Tortugas Trek

Pyrrhuloxia (male)
There were quite a few outdoor enthusiasts on and about the mountain this morning, and Becca and I ran into several people with dogs; they were pleasant encounters.  We also had an encounter with a Coyote, but it had spotted us first and made tracks before I could get my camera out for a photo op.  We tracked God's Dog for a bit, but never saw it again--not surprising because Coyotes are notoriously stealthy.
Becca in the high foothills

Desert layers

Desert flora

Ocotillos remain remarkably green

Desert Marigolds still in bloom

Becca spots hikers headed up the mountain road

Female Gambel's Quail

Male Gambel's Quail

Male quail

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

The fall weather was perfect for a hike.

Rim Trail Trek

Just starting off on Rim Trail 105 this morning We decided to drive to Sunspot and hike the Rim Trail which starts near the Apache Point tur...