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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Just Ahead of the Storm

Our Purple Sage is blooming nicely
Becca and I lucked out this morning.  We did a really long trek west of the Tortoise, exploring several wide arroyos while bushwhacking through the outback--all ahead of a big storm building on the western horizon.  Later, back at the car, while I gave directions to Baylor Canyon Road to a man in a big white pickup truck, lightning began to crackle nearby, followed closely by thunder and rain.  Becca and I got out of there just in time.  It's been raining on and off now well into the early afternoon.

An early start west of Tortugas

Harbinger of what's to come


Heading for the high foothills

High foothills trail

Leveling out

Looking west over the Farm & Ranch Museum

Dicey sky

Happy hiking companion

Pastel scene

The desert west of Tortugas

Rolling hills

Flank of Tortugas (left) and the Organs

Further west

A chubby Barrel Cactus

Becca gives you an idea about the size of the barrel

No touching

Bushwhacking with the best

West side of a wide arroyo

Said arroyo

Becca in the arroyo

You can see how much water flowed here recently

Darkening sky

Doña Ana Mountains behind Centennial High School


Scott said...

The cold front bringing your stormy weather is draped all the way through the Gulf states and up into the Mid-Atlantic. I feel like we're connected. We had rain most of yesterday, but nothing like the storms you described.

Dr. K said...

It's been a pretty dreary day, Packrat, but your photos brightened up my mood.

packrat said...


It's been raining on and off all day. Even now as I write (7:50 p.m.) the precip is still falling. It's not heavy, but steady. And it's supposed to carry over through tomorrow. We're aborting a trip to High Rolls due to inclement weather. :(

Wednesday's Walkabout

Tortugas and the Organs It wasn't as cold as it was yesterday morning, but it felt pretty chilly when Dr. K, Willow and I did the daily ...