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Thursday, April 14, 2016

A Heatwave Waves Back

This again:  a type of sunflower?
Talk about a change of weather!  We've been quite cool of late, but a temporary heatwave has put the squeeze on us making it feel as if summer is just around the corner.  The heat affected Becca noticeably, and she sought out shade at every opportunity.  We're supposed to have another brief cool down upcoming, but it won't be long before hot weather is here to stay.  I'll have to start getting up even earlier than I do now (5:30 am) to make sure that the Beckster and I get in long morning hikes before the desert becomes too toasty later each day.
Plumed Crinklemat (Tequilia greggii)

Ocotillo flower friends

You can see the Milky Way clearly from here

Leafless Ocotillos

Small Mesquite west of the mountain

Shade break in an arroyo

Heading down the arroyo

Backward look at the mountains

How's this for camouflage?  Horned Lizard

A type of Mentzelia

Closing up shop

Still open for business

Marigolds and mountains

Striking back across the desert in need of shade

Scant shadow, but time for a rest

New Mexico Evening Primrose

New Mexico Evening Primrose

Prickly Pear flower opening up

Quite a target for insects

Never came across this marker before.  1995 is etched at the bottom

American Kestrel

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Good to see the prickly pear flowers opening up. And the mentzelia is such a pretty flower. I've never heard of it before.

Wednesday's Walkabout

Tortugas and the Organs It wasn't as cold as it was yesterday morning, but it felt pretty chilly when Dr. K, Willow and I did the daily ...