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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Scott's Oriole et al.

First two:  Strawberry Hedgehog Cactus
Another morning, another very early start for Becca and me.  Although the weather wasn't slated to be as hot as yesterday (we're headed for a high of 78F) I needed to get going a bit earlier because of the weekly shopping duties I had to carry out.

We had several encounters out there today, the first with Courtney and her heeler, Pepper, out on Geothermal Road.  Pepper and Becca are friends, but they were like ships passing in the night this morning, stopping only to give one another a good sniff before moving on.  Later, just as we were turning off the mountain road onto the trail leading back to the Sunset Area we bumped into our buddy Jimmy who was on his way up the mountain.  Because we had had a long chat yesterday we talked for only a few minutes before parting ways.

After I got home and took a quick shower it was off to Target and Albertsons for the weekly shopping excursion.  The experience at Target was pretty near anguishing as the store is being completely remodeled, and every item I usually purchase was shifted into a new location.  That made for total frustration in shopping there today.

Next 3:  Scott's Oriole

Next 3:  Becca taking a break

Scott's Oriole

White-winged Dove

Soaptree Yucca with flower stalk

Chihuahuan Desert scene

Slightly different perspective of the previous image

Scott's Oriole

New pads

This and the next:  same Prickly Pear blossoms

Becca leading the way

Part of the flank of Tortugas and the Organ Mountains

This and the rest:  Prickly Pear Cactus flowers

Monday, April 29, 2019

The Measure of Monday

Imagine all these in bloom
Becca and I got a very early start on our morning trek west of Tortugas Mountain.  As we were hiking on this gorgeous late-April morning I told myself to make a conscious effort not to take too many photographs.  Oh well--guess I can't help myself; but what do you expect when there are so many beautiful desert plants flowering?

Good thing I have a patient dog, though, one who doesn't mind waiting while I snap countless numbers of photographs.  Half the time she finds something to sniff anyway, so my constant stopping is a bonus for her, too.

As we rounded the final bend on the last leg of our outing this morning we were pleased to see our pal Jimmy advancing in our direction.  Becca practically ran to greet him since Jimmy is her long-time desert friend.  He's always so kind to her, and she recognizes a human who truly loves animals.  He and I had a good chat about many different subjects before we went our separate ways.
Closer look

What a subtle color

More pink than orange

Strawberry Hedgehog bud

Mormon Tea flower


This and the next 2:  Strawberry Hedgehog Cactus flowering

Prickly Pear flowers

Same flower from a different perspective

Hairy-Seed Bahia?

Strawberry Hedgehog bud opening

Two of three ain't bad

A beaut

Smaller than a golf ball Devil's Head

Prickly Pear flower

Headed back

Checking the territory

Strawberry Hedgehog buds

Closer look at those buds

Growing at the side of a steep gully

Beautiful Strawberry Hedgehog flowers

Ocotillo growing beside Crucifixion Thorn


Prickly Pear blossoms

Ocotillo flowers

Beautiful color of this Prickly Pear flower

Ocotillo flower

This and the next 3:  soon-to-be Soaptree Yucca flowers

Haze Day

1st 3:  similar sky shots Weather conditions were fairly nice for Dr. K, Willow and me during our morning trek.  The temperature wasn't ...