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Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Expending Less Energy

Early start
I shortened our morning trek today for several reasons:  Becca and I did a long one yesterday, and I had to go grocery shopping at Target and Alberstsons.  The temperature was actually cool when we got started (48F), but we're slated to hit a high of 93F today--that's about 15 degrees above normal.

We crossed paths with a runner and several hikers close in to the mountain, but it was not very crowded; not surprising for a Tuesday morning.  The wind was nonexistent while we were trekking around the desert, but that won't last.  We're under a "First Alert" for high winds, and Doppler Dave, KVIA meteorologist, said to expect gusts in the 65 mph range for tomorrow.  That means blowing dust and sand--all around nasty conditions for the northern Chihuahuan Desert.
Cactus Wren in the above yucca

Cactus Wren

Down Geothermal Road

Yucca cutouts

Blocking the sun

Becca in black-and-white

Headed down that way

We turned around right here


Ocotillo and observatory

Something of a panorama

Ash-throated Flycatcher

Showing the other profile

Switchback up the mountain

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love the photo of the cactus wren perched on the yucca branch.

Minor Wind

Winter landscape The wind wasn't nearly as bad as it got yesterday, but the weather conditions were not ideal this morning; nevertheless...