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Monday, April 1, 2019

Post-Weekend Trek (aka Monday)

Becca moseying along the foothills trail
Becca and I got an early start on a moderately long hike this Monday morning, and it was relatively uncrowded because NMSU has resumed classes after spring break just ended.  We did see a woman and her dog hiking up the mountain road, and later, when we had climbed up to the road to photograph a stand of yuccas, we encountered a man and his black dog who we bump into fairly often on the west side of the mountain.  He asked if I'd seen any interesting wildlife, and I said, "I haven't, though I keep hearing a Scott's Oriole singing."  He headed up the mountain then, and Becca and I took off the other way.  It was a beautiful morning even though it felt much colder than yesterday when I brought gloves along, but never used them; today I didn't bring gloves and could have used them.
More Torrey Yuccas in bloom

Different perspective of the same yuccas

Claret Cup Hedgehog Cactus

A different Claret Cup

Yuccas blooming up the mountain

The long view

Rugged territory

This and the next 3:  more blossoming yuccas

3-flycatcher yucca

Heading back

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful photos of the Torrey Yuccas, Packrat. It's amazing how many are blooming so early in the year.

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