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Thursday, April 18, 2019

Beyond the Hump

This and the next 2:  Black-chinned Hummingbird
Becca and I got an early start on a beautiful morning and we went a bit further than yesterday, hiking into the high foothills west of Tortugas Mountain.  Then we crossed up to the road and trekked back that way.  We saw a few other people out and about, all enjoying the fine weather conditions no doubt.

When we reached the intersection with Geothermal Road we looked to the west and saw our buddy Jimmy advancing toward us.  Of course Becca was elated, and she practically ran over to greet him.  He and I talked for twenty minutes or more while she attempted to explore; I kept having to call her back to us, where she finally lay down for a respite.  After Jimmy and I discussed the problems of the world and came up with sound solutions we went our separate ways.  Surprisingly he dropped by our place at 1:15 to drop off a book he told me about earlier, The Boys in the Boat.  What a wonderful surprise for Becca--her good pal stopping over to say hello.

Just west of Tortugas

Ash-throated Flycatcher

Becca looking left . . .

. . . then right

She likes to lead

Yucca and Mesquite

Claret Cups

Ocotillo starting to blossom

Desert Cottontail

First leafed-out Ocotillo I've seen this spring

Cactus garden

Ocotillo flower

Part-way up the mountain

The long view

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice that the ocotillo are starting to leaf out. This must mean that summer is almost here.

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