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Sunday, April 21, 2019

Holiday, Holy Day

Becca on our road
Dr. K, Becca and I got an early start this morning (but not as early as yesterday) on a long trek on the Bridal Veil Falls Trail here in the Lincoln National Forest.  Unlike the last time we did this trail we decided to hike all the way down to the gorge, about 1 1/2 miles short of the falls.  Although the weather was beautiful we decided not to extend the trek.

Amazingly, on this Easter Sunday, we saw not a single soul out there; we literally had the whole place to ourselves.  It was wonderful to see the spring flowers blooming in the high country, though I'm frustrated at not being able to ID the yellow flowers I thought were Hartweg's Sundrops.  I'll keep searching and, hopefully, find out what they are. 
High country home


Jay departing

Used Dry Brush filter on both, but tinted the sky in this version

Non-tinted sky version

Web near the pumphouse door

This and the next:  House Finch

Iris blossoming at our place

Mesa in the Tularosa Basin

Follow me

Old railroad trestle

Bridal Veil Falls Trail

Hate it when the only image I can capture is of a bird's back

No ID yet

Thought it might be a kind of Sundrop, but Sundrops have only four petals

What does Becca see?

Unusual to see this type of jet flying low over the mountains


Southwestern Mock Vervain (Glandularia Gooddingii)

We hiked down to that gorge this morning

Heading down the Bridal Veil

This and the next 2:  Sundrop-like flowers again

This and the next 4:  Chocolate Flower (Berlandiera Lyrata)

White Sands and the San Andres Mountains

White Sands

Becca's pause for the cause

Caused an adrenaline rush

White Sands again

Can't be a satellite dish

Which of these 3 shots or none?

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I LOVE the photo of the iris flower, Packrat. And the other ones are terrific, too.

Minor Wind

Winter landscape The wind wasn't nearly as bad as it got yesterday, but the weather conditions were not ideal this morning; nevertheless...