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Saturday, June 22, 2019

Animal Adoration

Looks like an Ash-throated Flycatcher
Dr. K, Becca and I hit the Bridal Veil Falls Trail at 8:20 this morning, and although several vehicles were parked at the trailhead we saw nobody until we were nearly finished with our trek; then we ran into two young women just beginning their hike, and later, three older women standing on the trail talking.

It was a beautiful morning in the high desert, though somewhat warm.  We decided to curtail our outing because of the temperature, not wanting to push Becca too hard in the heat; she did just fine, though.

When we got back Dr. K and I read the water meter in order to submit a quarterly report to the state engineer's office regarding our water consumption; because we live in a water conservation area we're allotted 35,000 gallons of well water per year.  Interestingly we've used only 55,200 gallons in the 11 years we've owned this place.
Mountain home

Becca headed down our road

Morning moon

This and the next 3:  young Mule Deer buck in our neighborhood

On the Bridal Veil Falls Trail

An oasis where the creek flows

Forging ahead

Taking a break


Dr. K stretching

Narrow section of trail

Showing us the way

Not showing us the way

The gorge

Pretty sure it's a New Mexico Whiptail Lizard

Eyeing me

What a beauty!

Focusing on that front left foot

Speaking of beauties

Room with a view

The trail in that direction was destroyed by flooding

This and the next 6:  Rock Wren (or wrens)

Becca leading us back

Another Rock Wren

Egads--what happened to me?

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful photos of the birds and animals, Packrat. I really like the ones of the deer munching on the grass in our neighborhood.

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