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Friday, June 7, 2019

Another 95 Degree Fahrenheit Day

This and the next: same Ocotillo in color and B&W
There were quite a few vehicles already in the Sunset Area parking lot when Becca and I got out to Tortugas Mountain this morning, which is the exact reason she and I always park at the side of the entrance road to begin our hike.  Less than a half mile in we ran into Tracey, her dog, George, and their friend Marie; we were chatting when two guys approached, the latter with a 7-year-old Pitbull/something cross that was slightly aggressive.  The guy quieted the dog by lifting him and carrying the canine past us.

After we all parted ways Becca and I did a short bushwhack over to her new favorite break spot, a sandy section of desert shaded by a few massive Ocotillos.  She rested there for quite a spell, panting slightly and reveling in the great outdoors.  After extending the trek a bit further than yesterday we turned around and headed back.  Before we'd gone too far I stopped to give Becca a drink and to get one myself when she found another shady spot to plop down on.  A short while later I had to encourage her to get moving again; after all, I wanted to hike not take long shade breaks in the desert.

Becca in a favorite resting place

Two views of the same scene


This and the next 2:  Cow Tongue Prickly Pear Cactus

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the design of the two photos of the ocotillo.

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