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Monday, June 3, 2019

Windy Start

Flower girl
It was slightly humid and windy when Becca and I headed out on the trail west of Tortugas Mountain this morning.  The wind kept it from feeling too hot despite the sunshine; we're headed for a high in the low-90s today.  It got quite hot yesterday, and, because of that, we left the evaporative cooler running all night.

We had a nice, somewhat abbreviated trek today, part of it in the sandy area we often frequent.  Becca has a favorite spot in the shade of an old Ocotillo where she likes to lie down and take a break, and she did just that this morning.  I don't mind a little respite myself; it gives me time to search around for anything that might be worth photographing.  Didn't find much of interest, though, and because I didn't know how Blogger would be working today I opted for taking many fewer photos.
Dove prints


Ocotillo and yuccas

Soaptree Yucca stalk and fruit

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Were those doves going in circles?

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