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Saturday, June 29, 2019

Sirocco of Sorts

A bit of greenery on the eastern side of Tortugas Mountain
As soon as Becca zipped up the ramp into the rear compartment of Whitey the CR-V this morning I knew she'd hurt herself; I could tell by the way her body stiffened.  My guess was she'd pulled a muscle in one of her front legs.  When I let her down the ramp at our parking spot at the Monte Vista trailhead on the east side of Tortugas she had a slight limp.  I monitored her carefully during the first leg of our trek and decided when we stopped for a water and shade break that we were going to have to turn around.

By the time we got back home her leg (right front) had stiffened noticeably and her limp was more pronounced.  After she got her regular small Milkbone treat I gave her half a Rimadyl, and I'll give her another half about 8 tonight.  She's already on the injured reserve list for tomorrow, and Dr. K just might have to forego her hike as well.  We can't bear to go hiking together if we have to leave Becca behind all alone.
This and the next:  going with Range Ratany (aka "Littleleaf Ratany")

Littleleaf Ratany and White Ratany are very similar

The way we just came

The way we're going

Coming and going

This and the next:  I think it's New Mexico Groundsel

Packera Neomexicana

This and the next:  Rough Menodora (Menodora Scabra)

I'm going with "Five-needle Prickly Leaf"

Sotol blocking Sol

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

That last photo--Sotol Blocking Sun--is really striking.

New Bird

Willow looking down our road We decided that we'd do another forest hike behind our cabin rather than doing a Rim Trail trek this mornin...