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Sunday, June 30, 2019

Day Off

The wide arroyo beside our house
Dr. K and I decided it was best to give Becca a rare day off from hiking even though her gimpy right front leg seems pretty well recovered from yesterday's strain; and because neither of us felt good about leaving The Beckster home alone I decided to take a day off as well.  It's been quite a long spell since I missed a daily hike.  It's probably good to miss a day every once in a while, but my body never feels as if it is.

After breakfast I took Becca out into the wide arroyo beside our house so that she could explore a little and do her business.  I carried my camera along to capture some images.  Can't seem to take a day off from photography.  It's going to be another hot day here in the northern Chihuahuan Desert; we're slated to hit a high of 98F.
This section of the arroyo runs through our property

Becca exploring

Analogy of the cave

Boulders I placed near the road to keep ATVers out

Soaptree Yucca still in bloom on the arroyo bank

Bunny Ears Cactus growing on the arroyo bank

Sun through a small Desert Willow in the arroyo

This and the next 2: Purple Sage (aka "Texas Ranger")

Leucophyllum Frutescens)

Purple Sage is also called "Cenizo"

Through the living room window

This and the next:  White-winged Doves

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love the color of the purple sage flowers.

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