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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Calico Peak Road Trail Redux

Getting close
Dr. K and I got on the Bridal Veil Falls Trail before 9 this morning, following it down to the junction of the Calico Peak Road Trail; for only the second time we climbed that latter trail, pushing a lot further than we did on the previous trek.  On both occasions now we've seen hunters in the higher elevations, today much closer than before:  two guys dressed in camouflage standing on a ridge, one using binoculars to check an area below their position where a murder of crows was swarming above what could only have been carrion.  I wondered if the hunters had shot a deer and were searching for the carcass--this latter only speculation on my part.

Other than spotting the hunters at a distance we saw only one person, a runner we encountered when we were almost back to the intersection with the Bridal Veil Falls Trail.  He was a friendly sort, and we exchanged greetings.  Then it was back to Whitey the CR-V parked in the common lot hikers on both the Grand View Trail and Bridal Veil Falls Trail share.
Heading for the chasm


This and the next:  2 long views

Dr. K discovered this Feather Dalea still in bloom

Going up


Not sure we've seen an Allthorn "tree" before

The chasm from above

This and the next:  distant views of White Sands

How far we are from our vehicle (dead center)


This and the next:  Western Bluebird (Sialia mexicana)

American Crow, stay away from me. (Sung to the tune of American Woman)

Maybe one time more

Getting into upper meadow territory

A line of White Sands


This and the next:  not sure who this bird is

Possibly a flycatcher

Pincushion Cactus

We'll be back down on the Bridal Veil Falls Trail soon enough

You can see two sections of the Calico Peak Road Trail

This and the next:  a very uncooperative Spotted Towhee

I knew I shouldn't have eaten that hard candy

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I still can't believe that feather dalea was still blooming. Your photos do justice to the beauty of this trail on a cold but clear first day of winter.

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