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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

20-Second Videos

Conditions at start stayed the same for the entire hike
No sun at all during my trek this morning, nor much of a wind.  It wasn't cold, but stayed chilly for the duration; as a result I never removed any items of outerwear in order to control temperature.

I saw a few other desert enthusiasts while I was hiking, but didn't have any direct encounter until I was on my way in. That's when I ran into Raymond, who was coming down the mountain road.

He and I hiked back to the parking area together talking a range of subjects which included the current National Football League season.  Raymond is a big Dallas Cowboy fan, and he's not happy with the way the team is doing; he, like many Cowboy fans, is calling for the firing of Jason Garrett, head coach of "America's Team."

Almost forgot to mention the title of this blog post, which refers to the many short videos I shot this morning during my outing (none of which appear here).
Across the Rio Grande

On the distant horizon:  Franklin Mountains, El Paso, Texas

A favorite spot

Where the water runs

Heavy cloud cover

Organ Mountains in the northern Chihuahuan Desert

Another arroyo

Road across the desert

In an another arroyo

Distant view of Tortugas and the Organs

Sun trying to break through

This and the next:  far off the beaten track

This and the next 2:  different view of that Torrey Yucca

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like the way the clouds seem to be rippling in several of these photos.

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