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Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Around Our Place

Dead tree in the forest
Because Dr. K's knee is still bothering her (only two weeks into recovery from a torn meniscus) she couldn't go on a hike with us this morning.  Rather than dealing with both Heelers on the trail by myself I decided to trek around our property with each individually.

First I took Willow out, and after she did her business we climbed the steep hill into the forest west of our place and explored in places I'd not been before.  Then it was Frio's turn, and we did the same exploration Willow and I had done.

On the way back to the cabin two dogs appeared, one of whom I knew:  the Australian Shepherd, Cowboy, from our neighbor's place.  Cowboy had another dog with him, a Heeler who looked just like Willow.  I let Frio off lead so he could meet his neighbors.  I knew it would go well with Cowboy, a confident canine who knows how to handle himself.  The new Heeler, though barking at us, was shy.  He headed for home, but Frio followed, disappearing into the woods north of our place.  He returned almost immediately, though, and tried to get Cowboy to play with him.  Cowboy wasn't in the mood, however, and returned home right away.  It was a good first encounter with our neighbor's dogs.

Frio heading down our road

Shell found in our yard

Willow headed down our road

Dead wood in the forest

The rest:  views of the Sacramentos from our place


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful photos of the area around our cabin. I wonder how that shell got into our front yard?

Dr. K was Cold

It was cooler this morning with a gusty wind; due to the weather conditions we hiked more quickly along our regular route. When we got back ...