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Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Back to Winter

Cold and blustery out there this morning
It felt like a return to winter out there this morning:  very little sun, heavy cloud cover in some places, and cold, biting wind.  I left my gloves at home so I had to suffer with frozen fingers for most of the hike.

We trekked up to First Arroyo, but turned around before heading in; it was too chilly to linger, and I had intentionally left my daypack with our drinking water behind.  I don't believe any of the three of us felt the need for a quaff.

We saw nobody else out in our section of the northern Chihuahuan Desert, although there was a white Kia Soul parked at the Tellbrook/Sonoma Ranch corner lot--so we weren't the only lunatics hiking around in the cold this morning.

This and the next 3:  heavy clouds on the mountains

Some blue sky to the north

Submarine cloud

Heading out

Desert hill and clouds over the Organs

Tortugas and the Organs

How it felt out there

Clouds over the Organ Mountains

Computer-enhanced image

Bushwhacked over to take a look

Heading back

Somewhere along LDR


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love the photos that show the partly cloudy, partly sunny sky.

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