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Monday, September 5, 2022

Back to Norm

1st 2:  dove in a yucca crown
There were no people with dogs in our area this morning, nor was the gun idiot firing off round after round when we got out of the CR-V for a hike, so we decided to resume our normal route.

It was a veritable White-winged Dove convention out there today, and I tried to capture a representative sample of the critters for the blog post.  Got a few good ones.

On the drive through the neighborhood on the outbound leg today we encountered a lot of people walking dogs; Willow responded horribly to them.  She wasn't as poorly behaved during the trek today, nor on the ride home.

Fringed Amaranth

White-winged Dove

Soaptree arch

Catbird seat

Too much to drink last night

Willow and Frio with Dr. K

Juvenile White-winged Dove with three adults

This & next:  White-winged Dove on lofty perch

Green Chihuahuan Desert

Last 2:  Frio and Willow


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love the photo you captioned Juvenile White-winged Dove with three adults.

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