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Friday, September 30, 2022

Un'Altra Volta a First Arroyo

This & next:  heading down LDR-A
We hiked down the LDR-A arroyo this morning, crossed the Tellbrook Arroyo and then headed up LDR to First Arroyo.

Along the way we heard several distinct gunshots coming from the direction of the parking lot at the corner of Tellbrook Road and Sonoma Ranch Road.

We didn't see anybody out there today, though we did hear hounds barking--probably the dirty Bassets we see every once in a while.

Wild sky


Doña Ana Mountains

Blue palette

Black-throated Sparrow

This & next:  Tortugas and the Organs

Tellbrook Arroyo

Desert Marigolds

Last 2:  Frio and Willow in First Arroyo


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

What an amazing photo of that Black-throated Sparrow.

Monday Solo with Wils

Long-distance view of Tortugas and the Organs Dr. K did double-duty shopping this morning (Target and Albertsons) so it was Willow and me on...