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Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Just the Three of Us

Soaptree Yucca and the Organ Mountains
Dr. K's paw is still sore so Willow, Frio and I struck out on our own this morning, doing the same hike we've done often.  Although it was 37F the conditions weren't really cold; virtually cloudless sky, bright sunshine and no breeze all contributed to the pleasant weather.

The Heelers were off lead for at least two-thirds of the trek, and they were very well behaved.  Needless to say they got countless treats for their good comportment.

All three of us enjoyed our outing today.


Frio and Willow

In the right branch

This & next:  Organ Mountains X

Frio and Willow

Soaptree Yucca

Frio and Willow

Hill beside the right branch


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the first Organ Mountains X image.

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