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Tuesday, August 5, 2008


We got an early start on the far side of Tortugas Mountain this morning and, from all appearances, it was going to be another beautiful day in the desert. We soon learned, though, that conditions would be tough. What's worse than a hot, humid, breezeless day? How about a hot, humid, breezeless day with BUGS!--those little black ones that sound like dentist drills when they fly into your ears.
I took this shot of a late-blooming yucca high atop a ridge with the 10x optical zoom on my new point-and-shoot FinePix S700. Not bad.
This attractive watchdog constantly surveyed the desert for action.
At a little after nine a.m. clouds were already building over the local mountains.

Organ Mountains with clouds building.


Unknown said...

The camera looks great.
Are those solar panels in one of the photos?
I want a picture of you chasing the bugs away..

Dr. K said...

Those bugs are so annoying, but they're better than the mosquitos that other areas get.

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