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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

As Promised

Dr. K asked to see a video of Becca the Flycatcher, and here it is.  You've got to feel sorry for the determined canine as she tries to pay the bugs back for driving her to distraction.  You may also be interested to see in the following image that one of the domes has blown off the two-dome observatory at the top of Tortugas Mountain.  Our buddy Jimmy told us the other day that the observatory had been damaged by the wind, and today was the first time we really got a decent look at it.


Dr. K said...

That video really made me laugh.

Scott said...

Maybe some insect repellent would actually help Becca--though she probably wouldn't like the smell.

I think you've told us that the observatory is no longer used so the university is unlikely to invest any money in the building. Probably means it will become an increasingly derelict blight on the landscape.

packrat said...


Our friend Jimmy has been up top when workers from the university appeared to be dismantling part of the observatory, but it's hard to know whether they'll commit to removing the entire structure.

Late Spring

Dinosaur spine Dr. K, Willow and I did our regular hike on a warm morning that has turned out to be another hot, springlike day. White-winge...