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Sunday, March 9, 2014

To the Falls and Back

On opposite sides of the gate
It was 27 F when we went out this morning, and things didn't warm up all too quickly afterwards.  Still, the sun was shining and the cold wind was really a breeze.  For a gorgeous Sunday morning on a spectacular trail in the Lincoln National Forest we were pleased to encounter only seven other people on our hike.  Just two had dogs, a man and woman with mini-canines they picked up to pass Becca.  The woman commented on how well behaved Becca was, and I immediately (accidentally) stepped on Becca's foot, causing her to let out a loud yelp.  Dr. K worried later that the man and woman probably thought we were torturing Becca into obedience.
Dr. K and Becca on the Bridal Veil Falls Trail

Waiting for the pokey humanoids

The chasm in the center of this photo . . .

. . . is where we are now

Apricot blossoms near the falls

There are many apricot trees near Bridal Veil Falls


Dr. K said...

The apricot blossoms are pretty and they also have a wonderful scent.

Scott said...

Signs of spring, despite the cold temperatures in the mountains and in the lower desert! We actually saw a crocus blooming here where ice had melted just two days earlier!

packrat said...

Scott: I'll bet you and Kali couldn't be happier about the upcoming change of season.


Behind the Cabin

Early early morning in the Sacramentos Strenuous hike behind the cabin this morning.  We were going to head for even higher ground to do a s...