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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Away From the Well-Trodden Path

White-winged Dove taking flight
Dr. K felt like doing some bushwhacking this morning, so Becca and I were quick to oblige her.  No telling the discoveries waiting to be revealed when you get off the beaten track.  We found a fertile section of desert west of the Tortoise (Tortugas Mountain) where several small arroyos fed an abundance of flora.  Many Yuccas were in bloom, and Claret Cup Hedgehog Cacti carpeted the desert floor with brilliant red-orange flowers.  It was so quiet and peaceful out there we hated to return to the city.
On the way round the mountain

Old rock shelter
Claret Cup Cactus flower and bud

Dos cabezas son mejor que uno

Twin Yucca flower stalks
Becca spots two hikers and a dog across a great expanse of desert

Down a small, sandy arroyo

Looking back at Tortugas Mountain from the west

Dr. K enjoying a morning of bushwhacking
Down a sandy arroyo bottom

Claret Cup Cactus nearly in full bloom

A good-sized Barrel Cactus
In a fertile Chihuahuan Desert valley

A fairly large Torrey Yucca in bloom

A gigantic Yucca--nearly 18' we calculated

Deer been here, done that

Claret Cup blossoms

Yuccas and the Organ Mountains


Dr. K said...

The color of the claret cup blossoms are such a beautiful orange-red.

Scott said...

Love the last two images, Packrat. It's great when you capture the Organs' "purple mountains majesty."

packrat said...

Thanks, Scott. Yeah, I kind of like that last one of the Organs, too.


Sunday's Altered Track

Three wise men have seen better days As soon as Dr. K, Willow and I began descending LDR-A arroyo this morning we spotted Two-White-Dogs-Lad...