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Sunday, August 10, 2014

After the Shower

Looking south from our place
Our morning trek was delayed about half an hour by a morning storm; it made for a spectacular rainbow to the south.  Our hike along the Grand View Trail was under an overcast sky for half the time, but when the sun was out it felt pretty miserable because of the high humidity.  We had a good outing, though, running into absolutely no-one on the trail.  Sorry to sound misanthropic, but I prefer my hikes sans other humans.  (Except for Dr. K, of course.)
Brilliant morning rainbow (they almost never translate well as images)

The rainbow actually appears to dip down on this side of the mountain

This image and the next:  Mountain Rose

Pattern on a boulder

Mountain Mahogany in bloom

Always a willing hiker

Across the high desert to the Sacramento Mountains

The sun made for steamy conditions

Looking down the mountain at White Sands National Monument

Coyote scat (notice the undigested Prickly Pears and seeds)

Part of a Juniper forest

Area of many Sotols

The black gravel is where a section of railroad bed used to lie (now the trail)


Dr. K said...

Interesting contrast, Packrat: a rainbow and coyote scat.

Scott said...

I've been really busy the last few days; sorry that I haven't commented. The images of the rainbow are wonderful--especially the one in which the rainbow appears to dip into the woods on your side of the ridge.

packrat said...

Thanks, Scott. Regarding the image where the rainbow seems to dip into the woods, I have never seen anything like that before. Dr. K and I were kidding each other about which of us would be first to run down there in search of the pot of gold.


Sunday Sunshine

1st 2:  Willow in left branch arroyo  We did our regular route this morning seeing no one else along the way.  After the hike--during which ...