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Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Which angle would you assign to this slope?
The sun was out full-bore this morning, and, boy, did we feel it.  Plus it was humid as all get out.  We had a nice steady rain early yesterday evening, and then it rained some more overnight.  A steady breeze would have made conditions more bearable, but there was barely a breath of wind in the desert, making for the exact kind of weather I tolerate least.
It's a lot less steep on the foothills trail

Marlboro Country

A very large Ocotillo resplendent in greenery

That's a Roadrunner in the Yucca

Becca doesn't see it yet

There it goes--almost too fast to photograph

Now she sees it!

A late-blooming Cholla

Same pose as above, different Ocotillo

Desert Cottontail hightailing it

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like the photo of the cottontail taking off, Packrat.

Top of the Week Trek

Willow with Dr. K's feet Nothing special about the hike today except it felt slightly cold out there this morning.  Wind added to the ch...