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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Dynamic Weather

The largest segment of this Hedgehog Cactus is 12" tall
It rained overnight, and it was raining when we got up this morning.  The precipitation delayed our hike slightly, but it created some dynamic scenes out in the desert around Tortugas Mountain.  Fortunately, Becca and I didn't get spat upon.  We ran into nobody on our fairly-long trek in the outback, but we were lucky enough to bump into Jimmy on our way back.  He was headed for the mountaintop.  We chatted briefly about all the important things:  weather, mosquitoes, traffic and other canines we have known and loved.
Dense clouds over Tortugas Mountain

Most photographed dog in the Chihuahuan Desert

Dead millipede doughnut for Scott

Heading south toward the Organ Mountains

When clouds become fog

Mighty tall Ocotillos

Flowers of the Devil's Claw (Unicorn Plant)

Devil's Claw

Devil's Claw was growing all over the sandy desert

Tortugas and the Organs

An odd find:  a child's stuffed squirrel doll


Scott said...

Some amazing images today, Packrat. I especially like the "Dense clouds in the sky over Tortugas," the ocotillos backed by the clouds, and the images of the Devil's Claw flowers--they're spectacular pictures and plants.

Mosquitoes in the desert?

I think I'll pass on the millipede doughnut. Millipedes contain cyanide and a repellent secretion that keep them doubly safe from predators. They need these defenses since they move so slowly. (How much can there possibly be to eat in a millipede, though?)

packrat said...

Thanks, Scott. Yes, we have mosquitoes in the desert. In some areas--like Phoenix (where many easterners have imported necessities like "lawns")--they've become quite a problem. And people in El Paso and Las Cruces have gotten West Nile Virus from the little bloodsuckers.

Dr. K said...

Those photos of the devil's claw flowers are striking. Are they really from the unicorn plant?

Sunday Sunshine

1st 2:  Willow in left branch arroyo  We did our regular route this morning seeing no one else along the way.  After the hike--during which ...