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Saturday, August 23, 2014

Search and Rescue

Becca spots something in a deep arroyo
As Becca and I approached the trail head on our return this morning we saw a fairly large search-and-rescue operation being carried out from the Sunset Area Parking lot.  We walked up to get a better look, and we noticed several fire fighters scoping out the mountaintop with binoculars.  If I'd had a chance to ask what had happened I would have, but I would never approach rescue workers busy doing their jobs and distract from them from their duties and responsibilities.  If I discover the facts I'll report them here later.
The road heading west from Tortugas

The desert floor is carpeted with flowers

Chinchweed has the desert smelling like lemons

Much-needed break

Hedgehog Cactus and Prickly Pear (the cylinder in front is 3 1/2 " wide)

Becca seeking more shade


Sacred Datura (Datura wrightii)

Search-and-Rescue personal in the Sunset Area parking lot

Off-road vehicle carrying rescue litter

Fire truck and ambulance

A fire truck from our subdivision

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Impressive search-and-rescue equipment.

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