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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Day Flowers and Devil's Claws

A cool overcast day for starts
A mostly-overcast sky and light breeze made the morning feel wonderfully cool.  Becca and I took advantage of the weather conditions by doing a very long hike west of Tortugas Mountain.  It stayed that way for three-quarters of our trek; then the sun came out and began to make things a little toasty.  We ran into our buddy Gregg back near the trailhead, and he and I chatted for a few minutes before parting company.
Devil's Head swollen from recent rains

This is the way to the foothills on the west side

Dynamic sky

Headed down to the lower desert

Senna flowers

A cowboy on his Paint

Making a big turn to the left

Tortugas and the Organs

Ocotillo silhouette

Day Flower

Devil's Claw (Proboscidea althaeifolia)

Bushwhacking anyone?

Good day in the desert


Scott said...

Doesn't the Devil's Claw produce that nasty-looking dried pod you photograph occasionally, Packrat? What a nice flower to produce such an insidious pod.

We're getting torrential rain here today (Wednesday). It seems to rain every other day here this summer, so it's especially warm and humid.

Dr. K said...

Packrat, I'm glad it was cool this morning, at least for most of the hike.

packrat said...

Yes, Scott, you're right. The Devil's Claw is the clawed pod (pun intended) that I often photograph.

I've noticed that you folks back east are getting pounded with rain; my cousin in Kentucky said they were getting hellacious storms.


Guess who Both Dr. K and I were overdressed when we started off on the morning hike.  The weather has been unusually hot of late, but things...