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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Return to the Old

Early break
I was outside very early this morning looking for evidence of a nearby lightning strike that hit last night; it temporarily knocked our power off.  The flash and thunderbolt were simultaneous, causing Dr. K, Becca and I to jump out of our skin.  The humidity was horrendous out on the trail, and the only saving grace was a semi-persistent breeze that provided some evaporative cooling for me.  I returned my new camera this morning, and I'm back to using my old FujiFilm FinePix S700 until I find something else I really want to buy.

New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum (center)

The mountain called Picacho

On her level

Black-tailed Jackrabbit (a hare) on the move

Still a lot of pears on this Prickly Pear Cactus

Forging ahead

Greater Roadrunner on the hunt

It caught something

Whatever it has in its beak is pretty small

Barrel Cactus flower bud on the verge of opening

Desert Marigold

The long view

Across the northern Chihuahuan Desert to the Organ Mountains

A hot and very humid morning

Rolling dirt road

Sun hits an Ocotillo

Dirt road just west of Tortugas Mountain


Dr. K said...

I like the orange and yellow colors of the barrel cactus flower.

Scott said...

Couldn't you just get another unit of the same camera to see if the panorama issue is resolved? Or, were you not "blown away" by the new camera?

packrat said...

I didn't feel compelled to keep it, Scott. The 40X optical zoom was a little unwieldy; and the anti-shake feature didn't seem adequate to the task of steadying even 20X shots.

Late Spring

Dinosaur spine Dr. K, Willow and I did our regular hike on a warm morning that has turned out to be another hot, springlike day. White-winge...