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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Packrat's War Against Pack Rats

Just getting started . . .
When I got home from a semi-long hike with Becca I had to get to wok on a large Cholla that seemed to be the above ground home for the pack rat we'd seen frequenting our property lately.  Pack rats love to build their desert middens under plants that have low-hanging spiny projections.  My "war" on the critters consists of pruning said plants in order to remove ground cover, which I did on our incredibly prolific Cholla.  I had transplanted one small arm of this Cholla from the desert years ago, and it has grown amazingly well.  Sure enough, when I cleared away the lower limbs I found the entrance to the pack rat's nest.  My pruning activity will encourage the animal to move further away from the house.  We have a friend living up the street who went on a pack rat trapping spree several years ago; he and his son would catch the critters in metal traps (borrowed from New Mexico Game and Fish if I'm not mistaken) and transport the rats out into the desert to be released.
, , , on this trail

Climbing a little higher under an overcast sky

Organ Mountains

Lots of greenery for a desert

Ocotillos are thriving from all the rain

Dark over the mountain

Becca spots something interesting

Sun trying to break through

An old friend has fallen and can't get up

Sea of green Ocotillos

An old giant

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I wonder how old some of those more ancient ocotillos are?

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