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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Coyote Calling

Getting started on the squiggly trail
While Becca and I paused on the upper foothill trail for me to photograph a noisy Coyote in the valley below a friendly runner appeared directly behind us.  Over the past few years we've seen this guy frequently out and about on Tortugas Mountain.  He had heard the coyotes wailing and wondered if we could see them.  I pointed out one to him.  Then he asked my name, introduced himself as "Pete," and told me he'd moved here from Carlsbad, New Mexico three years ago.  He said he was from Wisconsin originally; I said I was from Ohio; and we talked briefly about the snow back in the Midwest.

When we parted company I decided that the only way Becca and I might get a closer looked at the Coyote--considering the way he was headed--was to strike south on the outer loop road, cross west down through a huge arroyo, and then head north up to a ridge line where we've seen Coyotes in the past.  We were not disappointed.  Mr. Trickster allowed us to see him several times before he pushed off through the desert ahead of us.  Like these clever canids often do, he simply disappeared into the desert.  So again I was left marveling at these creatures' ability to blend into the environment when they don't want to be seen.
Becca was first to spot this guy and his dog at great distance

This Coyote was making a racket in the lower desert

Here he is howling (too bad you can't hear him)

Very few green leaves left on some Ocotillos

A little further west of Tortugas Mountain

Three curious White-winged Doves

White-winged Doves on an Ocotillo

Trying to outflank a Trickster

Wooly Paperflower

Steep mountainside

Spot the coyote (hint:  he's not in the center)

Curious about why we're pursuing him

Bushwhacking west of the mountains

Dirt lug nut (aka "Cicada nymph chimney)

Cicada nymph chimney

Break time on a sandy dirt road

Soaptree Yucca rock band


Signs of autumn in the Chihuahuan Desert


Heading back up the mountain

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

It's fun to follow along as you and Becca search for coyotes. And I like the photo of the doves on the top of the ocotillo branches.

Dr. K was Cold

It was cooler this morning with a gusty wind; due to the weather conditions we hiked more quickly along our regular route. When we got back ...