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Saturday, October 1, 2016

Desert Fog

Plumed Crinklemat in the foreground
Becca and I got a very early start on this humid morning.  The high humidity came from yesterday's rainfall, which the Las Cruces Sun-News described as the rainiest day we've had this year.  The humidity combined with a high dewpoint allowed for the formation of fog; it wasn't really heavy in any particular location, but at times it seemed to appear out of nowhere to lie at the feet of several different mountains.  While it was quite beautiful in the desert this morning it also felt slightly uncomfortable because of the moisture-laden atmosphere.
Cloud catcher

First rays

Fog at the base of the Organ Mountains

Scoping out the way forward

Fog in the Mesilla Valley

The hard way to go

Fog between here and the Organs

Arid land survival tip:  where to find water in the desert

Low clouds become fog when they touch the ground

Fog bank rolling in

Dayflower and dew

Lots of Desert Marigolds are still in flower

Crossing through an arroyo

Desert telephone pole farm

The observatory atop Tortugas Mountain


Dr. K said...

Very dramatic photos of the fog, especially the last one with the observatory.


I'm always surprised at how much rain you get. Here, in the deserts, it rains once every few years or so, sometimes the dry spells go for much longer.

packrat said...

We get about 10 inches a year, Jacqui. :)

Nest Building

Spot the blooming Faxon Yucca Another morning hike sans wind, a phenomenon very much appreciated by Dr. K, Willow and me.  Best part of toda...