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Saturday, October 8, 2016

What's With the Desert Palafox?

View to the southwest from the high foothills trail
Becca and I took a moderately-long hike west of Tortugas Mountain this morning, and I saw a few things of note.  First, I discovered berries growing on a large Allthorn bush on the west slope of the mountain, and it was the first time I'd ever seen berries on Allthorn (aka "Crucifixion Thorn").  Birds and rabbits love this fruit so it's possible the berries have been eaten quickly before I spotted them.  Also, unlike in past years when Desert Palafox has grown sparsely in the sandy area west of Tortugas this season the plants and their beautiful flowers are blooming all over the place.  It's a pretty sight to behold.  In other news, Becca and I had a brief encounter with a woman hiking with her two dogs, one a Brittany Spaniel named Lena and the other a Blue Heeler called Bob.  All of the canines got along just fine.
Part of Las Cruces, New Mexico

Threat of rain?

Down to the lower desert

In all the years I've been hiking here I've never seen berries on Allthorn

Apparently Quail and Jackrabbits love these berries

Big sky

Headed up a small incline

Different direction different sky

Big old Ocotillo


Dynamic sky to the southwest

Organ Mountains in the background

This is the spot where Becca sees a woman hiking with Bob and Lena

Rugged section of the Organs


Most Ocotillos are nearly leafless now

Desert Palafox blooming west of Tortugas

Pretty shade of pink

Stages of flowering

I was hoping Becca spotted a Coyote, but no

Always scouting the area

Franklin Mountains north of El Paso

Meanwhile, back over Tortugas

Heading north

Doña Ana Mountains on the horizon

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful shades of pink on the palafox. And I don't remember ever seeing berries on the allthorns either.

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